Permanent Exhibition Room
Art work from female artists representing Japan are exhibited in this room. In addition to Shohin Noguchi, appointed as the first female Imperial performer, you may exhibit the works of Shoen Uemura, also the first recipient of the Order of Culture in Japanese painting, as well as works of Shoha Ito, Yuki Ogura, Tamako Kataoka, and Fumiko Hori.Western-style paintings by the first female painters whom were honored the “Bunkakorosha”(Person of Cultural Merit) prize such as Setsuko Migishi, Motoko Morita, Irie Kazuko, and Nui Sano’s rare modern and contemporary art which is hard to find throughout Japan is shown in this exhibition room.
Projects Exhibition Area
Themes are set from the collection and the art is displayed as an art project exhibition.
Exhibition themes change a few times during the year.
Click here for the currently held exhibition.
Satoshi Omura’s Memorial Room
In this section,we will introduce about Dr.Omura who won the Nobel Prize in 2015.
We will exhibit his items which retraces his childhood,his documents related to his study and objects that were collected as his hobby.
Shintaro Suzuki’s Memorial Room
From the time of pre-war to post war, the successful and prominent leader in the western painting society was active in the Nika and Ichiyo Association. Shintaro Suzuki was honored the “Bunkakorosha” ( Person of Cultural Merit )prize and his art is displayed at all times. Suzuki’s paintings, such as oil paintings, water color painting and original paintings of oshi-e ( raise cloth pictures) are introduced through various genres.
View Room
Folk art works are exhibited from the living national treasures, Tatsuzo Shimaoka , Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada. From the three way window, you can observe “Reiho Fuji” the sacred and gallant figure of Mt. Fuji, which scenery changes in each season, along with Mt.Yatsugatake, Mt.Kayagatake and Oku-Chichibu mountain ranges.